Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wall Drill (The Basics)

The more I search the Internet to find videos on Acceleration Wall Drill, the less I actually see it being coached. The only things I feel being stressed are rapid fire speed and move as quickly as possible. Do not get me wrong those are two key things in order to make an impact on the Nervous System and a key way to make a change on how their muscles fire. Athlete’s need to understand this, there is a lot more going on with the wall Drill, then that. A few things need to get done correctly prior to moving rapid fire, and moving like a crazy maniac.  


  1.  Hands are finger tips up, shoulder height, shoulder width apart on the wall, use something sturdy. It is very similar to a push up position.
  2. Eyes are set in between the hands to aid in neutral spine.
  3. Feet Hip width apart.
  4. Feet are walked back so that the body is in a position approximately 45 degree angle.
  5. Heels should be pressed down towards the floor creating our “Credit Card Rule” (Dorsiflexion)
  6. Abdominals are Draw-in, which cause the hips to tilt slightly in a posterior direction.
Start by getting in this position and holding.

Ready Position: (Punch)

  1. Repeat Stance protocol
  2. Focus is Hip Flexion prior to Knee Flexion
  3. Making sure that when 90 degrees of Hip Flexion is achieved stance position has not changed.
  4. Tibia, both air and ground are parallel to each other, both at an approximate 45 degree angle.
  5. Return to Stance.

Start slow with a longer isolated hold, use a 3 count to start and decrease as athlete’s show competence.
That is extremely basic, but extremely important. It is hard to believe that so many athletes are unable to “Punch” their knee up and maintain their Draw-in, and come to 90 degrees of Knee Flexion without a postural change. If you cannot do it stationary, you cannot do it moving. If you cannot do it slow, you will not do it fast. Start here and progress, for more STAY TUNED!

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